
Shopping Carts are frequently taken from the owner’s premises and abandoned where they create a danger or inconvenience to the public and/or cause a blighting influence.

It is the intent of this chapter to address the danger and inconvenience to the public caused by the abandonment of Shopping Carts in public places by requiring that the owners of such Shopping Carts provide identification tags on each Shopping Carts. This will make it easier for the owners to locate and retrieve their Shopping Carts.

As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

PERSON – Includes a person of either sex, corporation, partnership, association, joint-stock company, society and other entity capable of being sued.

SHOPPING CART – A hand-drawn or “propelled vehicle or wheeled container made of metal, wood or other material such as is generally provided by merchants for the use of their customers in carting or carrying goods, wares and merchandise to automobiles or other vehicles.

Identification required.
Three months after adoption of this chapter, any Shopping Cart provided or made available for use by any person, agent or employee shall have securely and visibly attached thereto the identification of the person in ownership or control of said Shopping Cart, along with a telephone number to be called for pickup of the abandoned cart. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for any person to provide Shopping Carts without such identification after the above-described period.

Violations and penalties.
Any person who shall violate the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding $250.

About Shopping Cart Ordinances

Retailers can struggle to stop cart abandonment, often paying up to $15,000 a year on replacement carts and municipal fines and fees due imposed by communities. These cart regulations and laws are put in place to not only control the environmental impact of abandoned carts, but also to keep towns and cities clean.

Most shopping cart ordinances fall into three categories: The first category is regulations requiring retailers to have a plan to contain and collect errant shopping carts. Secondly, those that define the fines and penalties a city may impose on retailers for abandoned or errant shopping carts. Finally, the third category of rules generally requires retailers to have a system to contain shopping carts, preventing abandonment.